Mary E. Uhle, Chairperson
Bernadette Huestis, Vice Chair-East
Katharine Plummer, Vice Chair-West
Tracey Walsh, Secretary
Laura Fiorillo, Treasurer
Board of Directors
Judith A. Bruen
Liz Cafiero
Frann DeAngelis
Jennifer Dougherty
Elizabeth T. Healy
Frankie Feehan
Carol Horgan
Cindy Kenworthy
Missy Ogden
Fran Olivieri
Joyce Palattella
Eleanor Rocco
Teresa Siegel
Patricia Tomassi
Phyllis Longo
Belle Blanchard Newton
Marisa O’Leary
Marilyn Palefsky
Carol Roberto
Honorary Status
Mary Bodor
Florence Dean
Christine De Gennaro
Pam Forde
Mildred Goelz
Dorothy Killackey
Joyce E. Koch
Eleanor Pianforini
Beverly Rhodes
Patricia Shea
Putnam County Children’s Committee, Inc., is a 501(c)3 charity, and the amount of your gift is tax-exempt for federal income tax purposes.